Friday, November 1, 2013

Exercise Mohr's Circle

 Mechanical Behavior of Materials


  1.  A body is loaded under a stress state σx = 400, σy = 100, τxy = 120, τyz = τzx = σz = 0.

a. Sketch the Mohr’s circle diagram.
b. Calculate the principal stresses.
  • What is the largest shear stress in the body?

    2.      A state of stress is given by
σ11 = −500 MPa,
σ22 = 300 MPa,
σ12 = 150 MPa.
Determine the principal stresses and the maximum shear stress, as well as their   orientation, using the Mohr circle construction.

3.  Consider an aluminum single crystal under a stress state σx = 250 MPa, σy =−50 MPa, τyz = τzx = τxy = σz = 0, where x = [100], y = [010], and z = [001].
a. What is the resolved shear stress, τnd, on the (111) plane in the [1-10] direction, that is, with n = [111], d = [1-10]?
b. What is the resolved shear stress on the (11-1) plane in the [101] direction?